b'Guide to VeganSome alcoholparticularly beersSpiritsand winesare filtered usingMost vodkaanimal products, namely fishMost ginAlcohol bladders (isinglass), egg whitesMost rums, bourbons and and lactose (from dairy). Butwhiskeysfear not! A lot of booze is vegan,Most tequilacheck out our list below for someSchnappscommon brands:JgermeisterBeers, Lagers and Ciders Some of these may contain Stella honey, so always check the label Guinness if you are unsure.CarlsbergCorona WinesSan MiguelSome supermarkets label Desparadostheir own-brand vegan wines Budweiserincluding Co-op, Sainsburys, Becks Asda and Marks & Spencer.B&M Heineken also labels its vegan wine! You Cobra will also find that some wine Bulmers companies will also label their Strongbow Dark Fruits vegan wines, including Oxford Old Mout Cider Landing. ThatchersWestons Stowford PressAnd if you arent sure, check out Barnivorefor an extensive list of vegan booze: www.barnivore.com'