b'Vitamin D Mushrooms which have been exposed to sunlight, Nutrition fortified products such as plant milks, a vegan supplement.Tip: Vitamin D is usually obtained through sun exposure. It is recommended that all people in the UK and certain other countries take a vitamin D supplement in the Autumn and Winter months at Obtaining all the nutrients youWith good planning andleast, due to a lack of sunlight in those months.need on a vegan diet does takean understanding of what some planningbut this is nomakes up a healthy, balancedIodine Seaweed/nori, kelp, green leafy vegetables, certain fruits different to any other diet. Herevegan diet, you can get all the(strawberries, prunes) contain small amounts, iodised salt, a direct weve made it as simple andnutrients your body needs.supplement. easy as possible. NHS Live Well Guide Omega Fatty Acids Walnuts, linseeds Protein Soya products such(flaxseeds), chia seeds, rapeseed oil, hemp as tofu, tempeh and soya milk,seeds. pulses (lentils, beans, chickpeas), peas, legumes, whole grains, quinoa, vegan meat alternatives madeNow the stuff that requires a bit more from pea protein or soya.thought is out of the way, lets quickly run through vegan sources of other main nutrients.Tip: Getting all of the essential amino acids on a plant-based diet is very easy, too. Eating a range of different plant proteins will ensureVitamin A Carrots, green leafy vegetables, dried apricots, bell this, but complete proteins include soya, buckwheat, quinoa andpeppers, sweet potatoes, butternut squash.mycoproteinalso known as Quorn.*Tip: Our bodies convert carotenes from plant-foods into vitamin A. *Not all Quorn products are vegan, but those that are are clearly labelled.Other B vitamins Yeast extracts (Marmite), nuts, rice, mushrooms, avocados, nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds.Vitamin B12 Fortified cereals, fortified plant milks (soya, oat, almond, coconut), yeast extracts (Marmite), fortifiedVitamin C Fruits (oranges and other citrus fruits, blueberries, nutritional yeast, fortified vegan spreads/margarine. blackcurrants, cranberries), broccoli, spinach. Tip: B12 is not found in any plant foods, so it is importantIron Lentils, chickpeas, tofu, cashew nuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, that those following a vegan diet supplement in somekale, dark leafy vegetables, oats. way, whether directly or through consuming fortified foods. Tip: Iron is better absorbed when consumed with vitamin C.'