Free cookery demonstrations

We give free vegan cookery demonstrations to students from Year 7 to sixth form.

During the sessions students can watch a vegan dish being cooked, try the food and ask questions.

As well as having speakers in many areas who can visit your school to give a free demonstration we can also offer engaging remote talks online.

To book a free cookery demonstration simply complete the online booking form below. Alternatively, contact Karin via email or phone her on 01732 364546 ext. 427.

“Animal Aid have been coming in to talk to my students for the last 5 years. I actually found out about the organisation when they visited my daughter’s school some time earlier and she had enjoyed it very much. 

I have to say I always look forward to their visits and each time they have included something new in their talks. The video content is not alarming, although some students (and adults) seem to think meat appears prepackaged in the supermarket giving little thought to the actual provenance and may be unsettled by this. The information given is thought provoking but sensitive I believe.

My classes thoroughly enjoy the visits and taking part in the cookery sessions is especially popular. I have found it promotes discussion and a greater understanding of the Food Choices unit of the course as well as Food Provenance when considering methane production etc. 

I would heartily recommend Animal Aid to any Food teacher. I don’t actually think they’re trying to ‘sell their cause’, just raising awareness.”

Chris – Food and Nutrition teacher from Warden Park Secondary School

Watch a cookery demonstration: