Remove chick hatching from the curriculum – Take action!

Posted on the 28th March 2023

Animal Aid’s new campaign, which calls for chick hatching projects to be removed from the curriculum guidance was launched this month.

The Notes and guidance in the Living things and their habitats section of the Year 5 National Curriculum science programme of study suggests that: “They (pupils) might observe changes in an animal over a period of time (for example, by hatching and rearing chicks) . . .”.

We are calling on the Department for Education to remove this sentence from the guidance and to consider more ethical and relevant options such as nest webcams.

Take action:

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Celebrating Animal Law Day

On the 22nd of July, we celebrate Animal Law Day, an important opportunity to reflect on the advancements made in animal protection legislation and reaffirm our commitment to advocating for the rights of animals.

Posted 22 Jul 2024