There are plans to set up a rabbit 'processing' facility complete with 'intake and skinning area' and permanent worker's dwelling at the T&S Rabbits Atlow/Hognaston site where we recently uncovered appalling conditions with rabbits cooped up in hutches for hours on end with no visible access to the grass. Objections are still being accepted by Derbyshire Dales District Council, although the official determination date was 4th June.
Many would be repulsed at the thought of eating rabbit meat, and they are the nation’s third most popular companion animal, after cats and dogs. There is very little demand for rabbit meat in the UK, with many people increasingly ditching animal products altogether, and adopting a compassionate vegan diet.
Updates on related actions and a huge thank you to everyone who helped campaign against these dreadful proposals. We really must stop this unnecessary rabbit facility being built.
- We are delighted to report that over 16,000 people signed the petition, which was duly handed in to Derbyshire Dales District Council on the afternoon of Thursday 3rd June.
- Hundreds of objections have been submitted to Derbyshire Dales DC before the 4th June deadline, and they are being displayed on the planning portal. We anticipate that the outcome should be announced on Wednesday 9th June. If the plans are refused and the decision is appealed, we will of course advise you of next steps.
- A well attended and peaceful demo took place in Hognaston on Bank Holiday Monday. This was followed by positive outreach and awareness raising.
Animal Aid submitted an extensive 7 page objection to Derbyshire Dales and provided some brief points to supporters to help them to make their own representation. These are available to view below.
Grounds for Objection
- A significant increase in traffic.
- Turlow Fields Lane is narrow and with poor visibility, there is a concern about road safety with increased HGV use.
- The elevated buildings would create significant visual harm to the immediate setting and surrounding environment.
- The scale of the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of this tranquil rural area.
- It is becoming more and more challenging for this site to be reverted to its original state and purpose, a wildlife haven and rich pastureland.
- The killing and processing of rabbits will likely generate significant waste, noise, and foul smells.
- Many people flock to the Carsington Water and the Derbyshire Dales generally for walking excursions. Visitor experience could be marred by the presence of a rabbit fur and meat farm nearby.
- The use of a rifle as inhumane ‘pest control’ will present a significant safety problem.
- As rabbit farming is something which is highly frowned upon in current public attitudes, the farm would attract protests and unwanted attention, disrupting local life.
Do feel free to refer to animal welfare in passing, but remember to focus mostly on other aspects, as these carry far more weight from a planning perspective.
Please do ask for welfare to be made a material consideration during the review of planning permission applications involving animals – particularly in this case as there is no species-specific legislation protecting the welfare of farmed rabbits in the UK, on-farm or at slaughter, which is a huge concern.
View our objection letter here