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Universities Challenged
Racehorse Death Watch
Irish Horse Death Watch
Victims of Charity
Stop Warfare Experiments
Ban Game Bird Cages
Order resources for your talk
Order resources for your talk
Please indicate which resources you would like to order, and where appropriate, the quantities. These are the approved resources for use in secondary schools - you must ask permission before taking any other literature into schools.
Speakers should retain a stock of resources for making available to students during their school visits. If you need to top up your stock, please allow at least ten working days for delivery.
The following resources are available for your secondary talk
Animal experiments leaflets
Friend or food? leaflets
Get active leaflets
Go vegan - protect the planet leaflets
Horse racing leaflets
Information for parents leaflets
It's time to go vegan leaflets [OUT OF STOCK]
Love animals? leaflets
The game bird industry leaflets
This little chick leaflets
This little calf leaflets
Why animal rights? leaflets
Snares leaflets
Animal Aid merchandise catalogues
Ask if you can put a few catalogues in the staff room.
Animals and us booklets
Bite-sized vegan booklets
Guide to going vegan booklets
Plant-based cooking on a budget booklets
Pocket guide to cruelty-free high street shopping
Animal ethics factsheets
Animal experiments factsheets
Animal farming factsheets
The environmental impact of animal farming factsheets
Companion animals factsheets
Fur trade factsheets
Game bird shooting factsheet
Genetically modified animals in biomedical research factsheet
Humane research factsheets
Horse racing factsheets
Product safety testing factsheets
Veganism factsheets
Vegan nutrition factsheets
About Animal Aid factsheets
Student activities
Student feedback slips
Environment card sort
CCTV campaign timeline handout
Stickers come in sheets of 24 stickers each
Sticker sheets
Why love one but eat the other? posters
Set of 8 food posters
Vegan nutrition wall chart
Vegan eat well plate/guide
Healthy eating the vegan way posters
Your details
Your name
Date needed by
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Address to send resources
If you want the resources to be sent to your usual address, you only need to complete the postcode field below. If you would like them sent anywhere else, please complete the full address.
Street Address
Address Line 2
Your email address
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