Sample letter to companies supporting or donating to a charity that fund animal experiments

Please personalise this letter, and send it to companies which are supporting, or fundraising for, charities that conduct or fund animal experiments. It mainly applies to charities that focus on cancer, heart disease, dementia or Parkinson’s disease, as our report specifically addresses animal research into those conditions.


I am writing to you regarding your company’s support for (insert name of charity). You may not be aware, but (name of charity) funds animal research. Not only is animal research cruel, it is potentially harmful to people, because species differences mean that the results cannot be reliably extrapolated to humans.

The campaigning group Animal Aid has produced a scientific report, titled Victims of Charity, which examines animal research into cancer, heart disease, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. It reveals both appalling suffering, and a lack of significant health benefits for people.

In future, I urge (name of company) to support charities that fund only non-animal research, which is more accurate and relevant to human health, and therefore more likely to lead to effective treatments. A list of charities and their policies concerning animal experiments can be obtained from Animal Aid by contacting or 01732 364546.