Snares – new call to action – please help!
Please ask your MP to sign a new Early Day Motion (EDM) which calls for the government to implement its promised ban on snares as soon as possible.
Posted 05 Feb 2025

Posted on the 21st May 2014
1) The SNP want to see the development of an infrastructure of regional slaughterhouses, through rural development support and a revision of state aid rules, which will reduce the need to transport animals long distances for slaughter. We want to see an abolition of export subsidies for the live transport of animals.
2) We have supported the revised rules on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter: there should be tough punishments for those infringing rules on the welfare of animals. We are open-minded about CCTV coverage in slaughterhouses.
3) We supported the ban on battery cages and sow stalls, believe the bans need to be more strictly enforced, with tougher punishments for those Member States infringing EU law. We support movement towards more animal-friendly forms of egg production like organic. We also support maintenance of the pasture-based extensive grazing type of livestock production so widespread in Scotland, for its animal welfare, health and environmental benefits.
4) We want to see the maximum reduction of use in animals in lab experiments which is consistent with the needs of scientific research. We support the three Rs (reduce, replace, refine) and voted against the animal testing law in the European Parliament in 2010 as it did not allow Member States to introduce stricter laws to protect animals.
5) The Scottish Government have opened a consultation with a view to banning the use of wild animals in circuses.
Please ask your MP to sign a new Early Day Motion (EDM) which calls for the government to implement its promised ban on snares as soon as possible.
Posted 05 Feb 2025
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