Help campaign against grouse shooting

Posted on the 2nd August 2018

The grouse shooting season commences on 12 August - the so-called Glorious Twelfth. Help us to raise awareness about the harm to animals and the environment caused by the grouse shooting industry.

Every year, round half a million grouse are killed in Britain for ‘sport’ by some of the wealthiest and influential individuals in the land. Any wild animal deemed to be a threat to the brief survival of the grouse (including stoats, weasels and even iconic raptors such as hen harriers, red kites and golden eagles) are legally or illegally trapped, snared, or poisoned.

Please join the campaign against this cruelty by sharing our film and ordering leaflets.

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Celebrating Animal Law Day

On the 22nd of July, we celebrate Animal Law Day, an important opportunity to reflect on the advancements made in animal protection legislation and reaffirm our commitment to advocating for the rights of animals.

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