Racegoer turns her back on horse racing after heartbreaking scenes at Salisbury Racecourse

Posted on the 31st July 2018

On Saturday 28 July, young 3-year-old colt, Paraphenalia, was running in the 7.45pm 1¼-mile novice stakes race at Salisbury Racecourse. He was to lose his life that evening.

Becci, a spectator at the course, was having an evening at the races. She takes up his story shortly after he veered across the racecourse having shattered his near-foreleg:

‘The horse limped up to the finishing line, his foot was actually hanging off. At this point, I burst into tears and walked away. …the screens were put up and the horse was euthanized…’

‘It all happened right in front of me and I’m quite traumatised to be honest, [I] will never set foot in a horse racing event again – that was the first and last time for me.’

 ‘I signed the petition Saturday evening and I’m sharing it on social media also.’

Please join Becci and sign Animal Aid’s petition to help stop horses like Paraphenalia dying in horrific circumstances.

Notes to Editors:


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