NOW LIVE: Our biggest animal farming campaign ever!
Posted 12 Feb 2025

Posted on the 13th November 2014
South West Christmas Without Cruelty Festival 2014 – Saturday 22 November
Exeter Corn Exchange
Market Street, Exeter, EX1 1BU
From small beginnings in a church hall a decade ago, Animal Aid’s has grown to become one of the region’s seasonal highlights, offering visitors a unique opportunity to purchase original gifts and cards that support ethical traders or charities working to reduce violence to people, animals and the planet.
From fairtrade crafts, clothes and chocolates to cruelty-free cosmetics, oils, herbs, local crafts, and vegan food, beers and shoes, the Festival gives those who are tired of buying the same old gifts from the same old chain stores a chance to buy quality presents that actually help to make a difference.
Animal Aid’s Mark Gold said today:
‘Naturally, we’re delighted by the success of Christmas Without Cruelty. Both stallholders and visitors now travel from far and wide to be part of it, but we’ve also been keen to maintain local links with groups such as People 4 Ponies and Wild Futures – as well as local craftspeople and creative food companies.
But the real key has been to combine education and a serious message with an enjoyable and fun day out. Admission is free and people can stay for as long as they like. They can also sit down and enjoy a delicious vegan lunch or snack before carrying on with their cruety-free Christmas shopping.’
Special guest this year is Molly Scott-Cato, the South-West region’s first Green Party MEP, celebrating her historic success in the Euro elections earlier this year.
In the words of poet Benjamin Zephaniah, a past guest of honour at the Festival:
‘Animal Aid’s South West Christmas Without Cruelty Festival is very special. The food is great, the goodies are great, and the place is full of loving, compassionate people. It’s the best event of its kind. I should know. I’ve been there and I never wanted to leave.’
For further information go to our Facebook events page.
Posted 12 Feb 2025
Please ask your MP to sign a new Early Day Motion (EDM) which calls for the government to implement its promised ban on snares as soon as possible.
Posted 05 Feb 2025