Check out our updated Vegan Student Survival Guide!

Posted on the 17th August 2020

Just in time for the new academic year, we have updated our Vegan Student Survival Guide.

With A-level results day just gone, many people will be getting prepared to go off to university very soon.

Animal Aid recognises that, for many people going to university will be the first time they have lived away from home, and they may worry about having to shop and cook for themselves and live on a tight student budget whilst ensuring they have time to study and live that student lifestyle.

This is why Animal Aid has produced our Vegan Student Survival Guide, which we have updated for the new academic year.

It contains all of the information a student will need to go vegan whilst at university, and it also helps those who are already vegan continue doing so with as much ease as possible. The Guide contains cheap and simple recipes, a guide to shopping, tips from former students, a vegan guide to booze, and more!

And it’s entirely FREE to download!

Download your free copy of Animal Aid’s Student Vegan Survival Guide today!

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