Animal Aid survey shows why supermarkets should #MarkItVegan

Posted on the 13th July 2018

Recently, Animal Aid invited vegans, vegetarians and meat-reducers to complete a survey about attitudes to product labelling; the results show that clearly marking vegan products in some way can only be a good thing.

The survey attracted a total of 1,032 responses from people throughout the UK. It shows that the majority of those who purchase vegan/plant-based food – be they vegans, vegetarians, reducetarians or simply buying food for members of their family – would be more inclined to buy a product that is clearly marked or labelled in some way.

This could be through the use of a logo, using the words ‘suitable for vegans’ or simply stating that the products are ‘100% plant-based’.

Since launching our #MarkItVegan campaign in 2016, Tesco, Asda, Aldi and Morrisons have all committed – and some have started – to clearly mark their own-brand vegan products. This survey shows why it is time for the others to follow suit.

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