Badger flash mob

Posted on the 1st May 2013

Today (May 1st) Animal Aid joined a flashmob organised by Lush, to dance and sing our protest against the badger cull outside Defra's offices.

Lush has supported the campaign against the cull in all its UK shops over the last ten days and the flashmob was the culmination of the two groups’ joint initiative. Fifty ‘badgers’ danced along to a version of the Queen-inspired ‘Badgers’ tune performed by the band’s guitarist Brian May.

The message to government was this: if you ignore scientific opinion and the views of the public, and insist on implementing this unethical and unpopular cull, it will cost you votes.

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Celebrating Animal Law Day

On the 22nd of July, we celebrate Animal Law Day, an important opportunity to reflect on the advancements made in animal protection legislation and reaffirm our commitment to advocating for the rights of animals.

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