Bringing Hope to Future Scientists!

Posted on the 24th October 2022

Our first ever Future of Science student conference was a complete success!

We received great feedback from students, teachers and speakers alike!

Around a hundred A-level science students from five different schools joined us in Warrington, where they heard from a range of speakers with a variety of different science backgrounds. They were given a tour of the wonderful XCellR8’s vegan laboratory and a talk about the animal-free safety testing which takes place there!   

We’re keen to give young people the chance to learn about the many human-relevant replacements for outdated animal tests – and to give them confidence that a career in science does not need to feature animal experiments. You can take a look at this short video which captures the day!

What the students said:


We feel strongly at Animal Aid that working with young people is one of the most effective ways we can create change. Our wonderful education department has long been working with primary and secondary students through our school speaker service, and we hope to make a real difference to animals at risk from a life in a laboratory by continuing to engage with older students through science! 

Here’s some feedback we received from one of the teachers on the day: 

“I think the balance/reference to the moral arguments was very good. I did not feel preached at or made to feel personally guilty but still understood the argument. My students really engaged with everything and had great conversations amongst one another and with me.” 

We want to say a huge thank you to our wonderful speakers, Dr Carol Treasure, Dr Adrian Biddle, Dr Chloé Raffalli, Dr Rosalind Hannen and our very own Animal Aid scientific consultant, Rebecca Ram.  

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