Circuses under attack

Posted on the 10th June 2008

Once again the so-called Great British Circus met with passionate and articulate opposition to its cruel use of animals when it visited Animal Aid's home town of Tonbridge, Kent from June 4th to 8th.

On both Thursday and Friday a group of Animal Aid staff and local residents picketed the entrance and handed out leaflets to customers. The animal defenders included a large number of young people. Local press and radio both covered the protest sympathetically. And that week’s Daily Mail ran a powerful and detailed attack on animal circuses that prominently featured the Great British Circus. It also set out how the government – having promised to ban wild animals from British circuses – is shaping up to perform a major U-turn.

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Celebrating Animal Law Day

On the 22nd of July, we celebrate Animal Law Day, an important opportunity to reflect on the advancements made in animal protection legislation and reaffirm our commitment to advocating for the rights of animals.

Posted 22 Jul 2024