This is the progress report from its first year:
Since September 2011, hundreds of acres of land are known to have been made out of bounds to bloodsports, affecting dozens of Hunts nationwide. In reality the figure could be much higher because we have no system for monitoring Warning Off emails and letters sent by individuals. Hounds Off encourages autonomous action. We deliberately make no demands regarding feedback or membership.
Following 26 complaints regarding Hunt trespass during the season 2011/12, Hounds Off offered practical advice and support in warning Hunts off land in twelve different counties, including:
- 170 acres lost to North Ledbury Hunt after alpacas were attacked by hounds
- East Studdal, near Dover, forbidden to West Street Tickham Hunt following a hunt invasion and fox killing in the village
- At least seven Dorset properties banned to Portman Hunt in weekend of action, 22/23 October
- Securing hunt-free zone status for a Yorkshire property where the family cat was killed in December following trespass by Staintondale Hunt
- 15 Kentish acres forbidden to Ashford Valley Hunt including woodland inhabited by foxes
- Over 300 acres in Somerset and Dorset confirmed as Hunt-free, affecting at least two foxhunts there
- Confirming the hunt-free status a 227-acre woodland Nature Reserve in Dorset following hunt trespass in November.
Leaflets and cards promoting the work of Hounds Off are available via the website. They’re perfect for keeping in your vehicle and handing to sympathetic or beleaguered landowners whilst you’re out and about.
Hounds Off is supported by individuals and organisations from across the campaigning and political spectrum.
Hounds Off encourages the creation of hunt-free sanctuaries to stop the illegal hunting of wild animals with dogs in Britain via engagement with our website, By following the simple process explained there, involving Warning Off notices being sent to the hunters, Hounds Off is spearheading a campaign which invites everyone to join in regardless of who you are or where you live.
Please visit our website. Take action. Tell your family and friends to do the same. Support the Hunting Ban. Support Hounds Off. Be part of the people’s campaign against bloodsports.
Hounds Off, September 2012
Visit the Hounds Off website