New vegan products released in August 2018!

Posted on the 6th September 2018

With more and more vegan product hitting the shelves on an almost daily basis, it has never been a better time to try veganism. Here are some of our favourite new releases!

Image: Freaks of Nature / @FreaksOfNPuds

Freaks of Nature Yogurts

Freak of Nature yogurts are made from cashews, meaning that not only are they vegan but are also soya and gluten free – perfect for those with allergies. They are thick and creamy, and come in two delicious flavours; strawberry and blueberry. They are now available in Sainsbury’s.

Image: Tesco

Tesco Free From Tortilla Chips

Tesco has recently released a bunch of new vegan products including these new multipacks of tortilla chips. They come in a two flavours: chilli and lime, and cheese and caramelised onion. As well as being delicious, they are also gluten free as they are made from chickpeas, red lentils, rich and maize.

Image: Tesco

Tesco Free From Mini Cheese Biscuits

Another one from the new Tesco releases. Do you remember those Mini Cheddars from when you were younger? Well these Tesco ‘Mini Cheesies’ will take you back!

Image: Valsoia

Ocado Exclusive: Valsoia Range

Valsoia is an Italian health food brand that consists of soya-based alternatives to dairy products. The range is exclusive to Ocado in the UK and has recently increased to include a number of other amazing goodies – proving once again that going vegan doesn’t mean going without. See the full range.

Image: Asda

Asda Soya Yogurts

Asda has seemingly been on a mission to increase their vegan range as of late, including this latest addition of soya yogurt-alternatives. They come in both lemon and strawberry flavours, and they are also fortified with additional calcium.

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