
Kindness and cruelty-free living with Oldhams Church

In April, Animal Aid spent a sunny Sunday in Bolton with Oldhams Church, doing a cooking demonstration and chatting about cruelty-free living. As it is currently Volunteers' Week (3rd-9th June), we discuss this wonderful event...

Posted 04 Jun 2024

We’ve won the Lush prize!

We’re absolutely delighted to announce that Animal Aid has been awarded the Public Awareness Lush Prize 2024 for our campaign to end lethal dose animal tests! We really could not be happier – this is...

Posted 21 May 2024

Animal Aid director Iain Green and Head of Campaigns Jessamy Korotoga holding a Lush prize statuette of a hare

Live Exports Ban: Does it go far enough?

Yesterday, we shared the news that the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill has passed its final stage in Parliament and will soon be enshrined into law. But does it go far enough?

Posted 15 May 2024

Breaking: Britain’s historic ban on live exports

We’re delighted to share the news that the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill has passed its final stage in Parliament, delivering on the government’s longstanding commitment to ending the export of animals for slaughter and...

Posted 14 May 2024

The role of dairy farming as a driver of the badger cull

In March, the government announced plans to overturn its promise to phase out the badger cull. Instead, they plan to reduce the badger population even further, continuing to scapegoat this majestic species whilst ignoring the...

Posted 02 May 2024

‘End Animal Tests’ week of action announced

 To support World Day for Animals in Laboratories on 24th April, we are organising the ‘End Animal Tests’ week of action  which runs from Saturday 20th until Sunday 28th April.

Posted 18 Apr 2024