Restore Nature Now!

Posted on the 27th June 2024

On Saturday, 22nd June, we joined thousands to gather in London for the Restore Nature Now March to champion the protection and restoration of the natural world.

Restore Nature Now represents a united call to advocate for stronger environmental policies and raise public awareness. The number of people present highlighted the growing concern around the need to protect the environment for future generations.ย 

Our core message at the march was for people to contact their election candidates, asking them to pledge to Crackdown on Cruelty! The Votes for Animals campaign is designed to put pressure on candidates to commit to ten key pledges, which together would have a massive impact on the lives of billions of animals every year. A great many of the activities we routinely campaign against have a devastating effect on the natural world โ€“ not least animal agriculture, the shooting industry, and the use of snares. The ten pledges include commitments to help farmers transition towards a plant-based agricultural system and an outright UK ban on snares โ€“ and a ban on commercial shooting of pheasants and partridge.ย ย 

Check out some of our photos from the day below!

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