Click on the links below to view PDFs of the leaflets.
To order any of these resources, simply email us. Please be sure to include your postal address. Those marked OUT OF STOCK below are currently unavailable for order.
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- Animal experiments
- Veganism and animal farming
- Slaughter
- Horse racing
- Shooting
- Wildlife
- Leaflets suitable for young people
- Other topics
Animal rights
- Why Animal Rights?
- Already vegan? Going vegan is the single biggest thing you can do to help animals. But if you’re already vegan, this leaflet explains what else you can do to make a difference.
Animal experiments
- End LD50 Tests Our leaflet describing our campaign to end this outdated and cruel animal test
- Universities Challenged Our leaflet detailing our campaign highlighting animal research happening at British universities
- Animal Experiments: Cruel and Unreliable
Our general campaign leaflet detailing the case against animal experiments. - Is your money paying for animal experiments Medical research charities and animal experiments.
- Mice Matter – OUT OF STOCK – Campaign leaflet for our Mice Matter campaign which aims to educate people about the sensitivity of mice; how this cannot be accommodated in laboratories; how mice deserve the same consideration as other animals and how they differ from humans.
Veganism and Animal Farming
- Friend or Food? – OUT OF STOCK – Why love one animal…but eat another?
- It’s Time To Go Vegan Why you should go vegan
- You can help stop the suffering What our undercover filming has exposed about animal farming
- Killed in Cold Blood About fish, fishing and fish farming
- This Little Calf… The truth about the dairy industry
- This Little Chick… The truth about the egg industry
- Go Vegan Protect the Planet The impact of animal farming on the environment
- Already vegan? Going vegan is the single biggest thing you can do to help animals. But if you’re already vegan, this leaflet explains what else you can do to make a difference.
- Don’t support animal gift schemes The argument against providing farmed animals to people in less developed countries
- Happy Christmas? Describes the conditions inside turkey farms and suggests meat-free alternatives for Christmas dinner
Horse Racing
- Cruelty. You Can Bet On It. Our general campaign leaflet about the problems with horse racing
- Don’t Bet on Cruelty
- The Game Bird Shooting Industry: Where Factory Farming Meets Bloodsports
- End Game Bird Cage Cruelty Campaign leaflet calling for an end to the use of battery cages for breeding pheasants and partridges
- Grouse shooting: Unnatural. Uncontrolled. Unkind
- End the sale of gun magazines to children
- Snares: indiscriminate and cruel
- Wildlife in Danger (Not in stock) Animals and birds are routinely killed simply because their lives bring them into contact with people.
- Badger cull This leaflet points out the futility of the badger cull policy and the link between the badger cull and the dairy industry
- Animals in War: Victims not Heroes Commemorating the animal victims of war
- Animal Aid membership leaflet
Describes the work of Animal Aid and asks for support - Free school talks Promotes Animal Aid’s school speaker service to teachers
- Become a school speakers Encourages people to become a school speaker for Animal Aid
- Compassionate Christmas Ten easy steps to a compassionate Christmas including animal friendly fashion, food and fun.
- Unhappy Christmas for reindeer… Describes the problems with using live reindeer at Christmas events
- Animal Experiments
- Love Animals? Leaflet on veganism
- Get Active for Animals!