Snares – new call to action – please help!
Please ask your MP to sign a new Early Day Motion (EDM) which calls for the government to implement its promised ban on snares as soon as possible.
Posted 05 Feb 2025

Posted on the 31st March 2020
As social distancing seems set to continue, we've put together a list of things you can do to pass the time.
There’s a whole bunch of vegan documentaries and movies that you can watch on Netflix, YouTube and other such sites. Some recommended ones:
Animal Aid has a number of online actions that you can take for animals; signing petitions is a great way of showing your support for campaigns and to take actions for animals whilst at home.
There is no evidence that companion animals, such as dogs and cats, can spread COVID-19. And nothing beats spending time with our furry friends. So spend some time with them; play with them, give them a cuddle and just show them some love.
We’ve probably all got a book, or in some cases a stack of books, at home that we have been putting off reading, perhaps because we have been too busy. So why not take this time to crack that book open and give it a read, like office dog Taz here has.
Independent vegan businesses are struggling at the moment. Many eateries have been forced to close, due to government measures, but many are still doing delivery services. You can find a list of local vegan eateries on Happy Cow.
Use this time to expand your knowledge on animal rights issues. Our ‘Issues’ page contains lots of information on the plight of animals, and most importantly, ways in which individuals can help stop animal suffering.
We’ve put together a list of vegan staples, which will help you make delicious nutritious and easy vegan meals in these uncertain times. We also have a huge number of recipes on our Vegan Recipes section.
If you have an outside area, please remember that wildlife may still need a helping hand. Continue to put out bird seed and keep an eye out for any injured wild animals.
Exercise is important for our physical and mental well-being, especially as going out to exercise has to be limited. You can find a number of online exercise groups by doing a simple Google search, or indeed you can just do some basic exercise in your home.
Check out this video by our friend Hench Herbivore, who demonstrates how to have a full-body workout using minimal equipment.
If you are not in a high-risk category and are able to, why not join a neighbourhood group in your area to help the elderly and vulnerable who aren’t able to leave their houses at all? In these troubling times, working together is paramount.
This website lists mutual aid groups, but there will be others. Do an online search or ask your neighbours if your area isn’t covered, or you could start your own!
The current situation is a difficult time for everyone. Remember to follow the official the advice and look out for one another.Please ask your MP to sign a new Early Day Motion (EDM) which calls for the government to implement its promised ban on snares as soon as possible.
Posted 05 Feb 2025
It was a busy and successful year for the reindeer campaign in 2024 – with a children’s book, the work of the reindeer coalition and amazing local activists. Here are some of the best bits!...
Posted 04 Feb 2025